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Managing the performance of your
Graduate Development investment 

How do you know if your graduate investment is delivering the value it should be?

Many organisations have graduate schemes.  Some are great, some are good and many are poor. 


The challenge is that too often organisations do not know which category they fit into until it is too late and all the money has been spent.  They rely on anecdotal evidence and do not have a rigorous benchmark to compare against.


We give accurate insights on how effective your graduate programme is and how to increase engagement 

We survey your graduates, and their line managers, to capture their views against a carefully designed and calibrated set of questions using a mobile friendly tool with minimal friction so people can answer in a couple of minutes or less.


We benchmark the effectiveness of your graduate scheme against a dataset of other programmes at the same point in their journey.  We have over 10,000 datapoints we use as part of the comparison.


We use this data to provide insights on how you are performing and, most importantly,  clear guidance on what areas you need to focus on, taking the guesswork out of how to improve.



Indicative time scale - 2 weeks to get up and going 
Related articles - 4 steps to measuring the performance of your graduate scheme
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