Creating career paths for
professional growth and progression
How do you maintain a sense of career progression in an organisation?
Again and again we talk to organisations where their engagement survey scores lowest on a version of
"I have good opportunities for to my professional growth in this organisation"
Progression, and the sense of progress, are one of the key drivers for engagement and sustained high performance.
For most people progress still means upwards promotions. Clearly this cannot work for everyone as there are fewer senior roles than mid level roles.
This challenge has become more acute for organisations as they delayer and as the number of specialists has grown new narrower career paths have become the norm.
This is a massive challenge for organisations that are moving from growth mode to consolidation or even shrinking.
In reality creating an organisation where people feel they are growing and the feel they have the opportunity for professional growth is the litmus test for is your integrated talent system fit for the future.
How we align your integrated talent system and talent management to deliver progression and growth
We help work out what the underlying demand is going to be in terms of future vacancies and likely promotion rates. This sets a baseline for what reality is.
We translate this demand story into a segmented approach for progression across the organisation.
We look at the Talent system to understand what the system currently incentivises and rewards. Areas we know to focus on are what the potential process looks for, how development plans are used, how internal vacancies are advertised, what is causing external hires and the model for leadership development.
We build from this a clear picture of where the decision points in the system are misaligned and causing the system to fail before designing a new approach that aligns the strategy, the talent demand and the decision making framework.
To help communicate this we then design a set of "simple rules" around how progression works which work with the Talent promises that you share.