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For organisations that need to bring your Business strategy & Talent strategy together

Organisations need a clear and powerful strategy for their Talent that underpins the Business strategy.  This requires making Where to Play and How to Win choices that add value, are distinct and which drive the Talent system.


Too many organisations have initiative overload or process weariness from having expended huge amounts of HR and line manager time on Talent activity without a strategy which has not led to significant change.  The succession gap is the same, the skills gaps are the same and the lack of progression is the same.


Meanwhile there are a few organisations who have got beyond this and are outperforming their peers not just in terms of talent, but in terms of business outcomes as they do have a strategy for having the right people in the right roles with the right skills and they have systems in place that engage them to perform at their best.


How we help 

We help you to get the insights you need based on data, to make the choices you need to make and design the delivery system that is needed to underpin it, to make your talent approach a competitive advantage. The approach appears linear but in reality is iterative.


The work starts with your business strategy and understanding your values and Talent philosophy.


We move to data collection and analysis to create insights about the future, where you are today and the gap which builds an insightful Workforce Plan.

We build from this to understanding the priorities that add the most value.


How the priorities are delivered is framed through clear choices about Where to play and How to win. We translate this into measures and milestones, which link back to the data from the analysis stage.


With choices and measures in place, we work with you to turn to translate this into  the integrated Talent system needs to work, the plan and the capabilities.


We make it easy through our unique set of analysis tools and models which we have found cut through the noise and develop shared understanding, help HR and leadership teams see the choices and, critically, help make decisions.  Making the data and the strategy


The Talent Questions answered

What is the state of play of Talent in each of the key organisation areas?

What future scenarios do we need to be planning for to achieve our strategy?

What are the new critical roles and the new skills needs?

What is happening in your competitive labour set?

What are the key talent priorities to deliver the business strategy?

What are the prioritised Where to play and How to win choices?

What is the multi year measurement framework for talent and how you need to impact the “flows” up, in and out?

What is the integrated Talent system design across the employee lifecycle and what needs to change, stay the same or be stopped?

What is the plan and the talent calendar?

What capabilities do you need?


How it works - A 6 step iterative process
Indicative time scale - 4 to 6 months 

Talent Strategy Development 

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